Litteratur til "Dokumentasjon om sammenhenger inneklima og uhelse.
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Det er mye forskningslitteratur om sammenhenger mellom inneklima og helse eller sykdom. Her er noen eksempler på slik litteratur ordnet etter tema. Det er mange, mange fler. Allergi
1. Platts-Mills TA (1994): How environment affects patients with allergic disease: indoor allergens and asthma. Ann Allergy 72: 381-4
2. Aas K (2001): Allergiviten for alle.
Astma og hyperreaktivitet
3. Andersson RC (1993): Bioassay of irritable chemicals in indoor air. Proceedings of Indoor Air 1993:2: 327- 332
4. Andrae S, Axelson O, Björkst'en B et al (1988): Symptoms of bronchial hyperreactivity and asthma in relation to environmental factors. Arch Dis Child 63: 423-8
Depoteffekt (sinkeffekt)
5. Jørgensen, RB (1999): The influence of material surfaces on indoor air quality. Adsorption and desorption of volatile organic compounds. THESIS, NTNU, Trondheim
Fukt og muggsopper
6. Bornehag CG, Blomquist G, Gyntelberg F ,Jarvholm B, Malmberg P, Nordvall L et al: Dampness in buildings and health. Nordic interdisciplinary review of the scientific evidence on associations between exposure to "dampness" in buildings and health effects (NORDDAMP).Indoor air 2002; 11: 72-86.
7.Blom, P: Retningslinjer for uttørking av bygningskonstruksjoner etter vannskade". På nettsiden. 8. Dillon HK, Miller JD, Sorenson WG Douwes J, Jacobs RR: Review of methods applicable to the assessment of mold exposure to children. Environm Health Perspectives 1999; 107, Suppl 3: 473-80.
9. Engvall K, Norrby C, Norbäck D: Sick building syndrome in relation to building dampness in multi-family residential buildings in Stockholm. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2001; 74: 270-8
10. Gravesen, S. J., C. Frisvad, and R. A. Samson (1994) : Microfungi. Munksgaard Publishers, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994
11. Husman T (1996) : Health effects of indoor-air microorganisms (Review). Scand J Work Environ Health 1996; 22: 5-13.
12. Gravesen, S., P. A. Nielsen, R. Iversen, and K. F. Nielsen: Microfungal contamination of damp buildings examples of risk constructions and risk materials. Environ Health Perspect. 1999; 107: 505-8.
13.Harbour R, Miller J: A new system for grading recommendations in evidence based guidelines. BMJ 2001; 323: 334-6.
14. Jaakkola JJ, Jaakkola N, Routsalainen R (1999): Home dampness and molds as determinants of respiratory symptoms and asthma in preschool children. J Expo Snal Environ Epidemio 3 (Suppl 1): 129-42.l
15. Johanning, E., R. Biagini, D. Hull, P. Morey, B. Jarvis, and P. Landsbergis: Health and immunology study following exposure to toxigenic fungi (Stachybotrys chartarum) in a water-damaged office environment. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health 1996; 68: 207-18.
16.Johnston R B (Chair): Clearing the air. Asthma and indoor environment. National Academy Press, Washington, 2001.
17.Klanova K: The concentration of mixed populations of fungi in indoor air: rooms with and without mold problems; rooms with and without health complaints. Cent Eur J Public Health 2000; 8: 59-61.
18. Koskinen OM, Husman TM, Meklin TM, Nevalainen AI: The relationship between moisture or mould observation in houses and the state of health of their occupants. Eur Respir J 1999;14: 1363-7
19. Malterud K, Taksdal A: Et felles refleksjonsrom med pasientens symptomer som gyldige kunnskapskilder. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2001; 121: 3605-9.
20. Matsson J (2004): Muggsopp i bygninger. Mycoteam forlag. Mycoteam, Oslo
21. Miller, J. D. (1992).: Fungi as contaminants in indoor air. Atmos. Environ. 26A:2163
22. Park J-H, Schleiff PL, Attfield M DR, et al (2004): Building-related respiratory symptoms can be predicted with semi-quantitative indcices of exposure to dampness and mold. Indoor Air 14: 425.33.
23. Peat JK, Dickerson J, Li J: Effects of damp and mould in the home on respiratory health; a review of the literature. Allergy 1998; 53: 120-8.
24. Pirhonen I, Nevalainen A, Husman T, Pekkanen J: Home dampness, moulds and their influence on respiratory infections and symptoms in adults in Finland. Eur Respir J 1996; 9: 2618- 22.
Inneklimarelaterte symptomer ("inneklimasyke")
25. Andersson K, Bakke JV, Bjørseth O, et al (2000): From VOC to OCIA - Towards the development of risk indicators of organic chemicals in indoor air. Indoor Air 2000; 10.
26. Auger P L, Gourdeau P, Miller J D (1986) : Clinical experience with patients suffering from chronic fatigue-like syndrome and repeated upper respiratory infections in relation to airborne molds. Am J Ind Med 25:41-2
27. Folkehelsa: Anbefalte faglige normer for inneklima. ISBN 82-7364133-3. Bestilles fra Folkehelsa. Avd. for miljømedisin. Postboks 4404 Torshov, 0403 Oslo
28. Nielsen GD, Hansen LF, Hammer M, Vejrup KV, Wolkoff P (1997): Chemical and biological evaluation of building material emissions I A screening procedure based on a closed emission system. Indoor Air; 7: 8 -16
29. Rumchev K, Spickett J, Phillips M, Stick S (2004): Association of domestic exposure to volatile compounds with asthma in young children. Thorax 59: 746-51.
30. Wolkoff P (1995): Volatile organic compounds - sources, measurements, emisons, and the impact on indoor air quality. Indoor Air Suppl.3/95 Luftveisinfeksjoner31. Kilpeläinen M, Terho E O, Helenius H, Koskenvuo, M: (2001): Home dampness, current allergic diseases , and respiratory infections among young adults. Thorax 56<. 462-7.
32. Martin CJ, Platt SD, Hunt SM (1987): Housing conditions and ill health. BMJ 295: 1125 - 7.
33. Pirhonen I, Nedvalainen A, Husman T et al (1996): Home dampness, moulds and their influence on respiratory infectons and symptoms in adults in Finland. Eur Rep J 9: 2618- 22.
34. Clausen G, Alm O and Fanger PO (2002): The impact of air pollution from used ventilation filters and health, Proceedings: Indoor Air 2002, pp 338-343
35. Clausen G, Alm O and Fanger PO. ( 2002): Sensory source strength of used ventilation filters, Proceedings: Indoor Air 2002,: 344-349
36. Fanger, Laurritzen, Bluyssen, Clausen(1988): "Air pollution sources in offices and assembly halls, quantified by the olf unit" Energy & Buildings, 12,<: 7-19.Fanger P.O. (1998), "Discomfort caused by odorants and irritants in the air", Indoor Air, Supplement 4/98, pp. 81-86.
37. Knasko SC (1992): Ambient odour´s effect on creativity, mood, and perceived health. Chemical Senses 17:27-35.
38. Knasko SC /1993): Performance., mood, and health during exposure to intermittent odors. Archives of Environmental Health 48:305-8.
39. Rosenkranz HS, Cunningham AR. (2003) Environmental odors and health hazards. Sci Total Environ. 2003 Sep 1;313(1-3):15-24.
40. Steinheider B. (1999) : Environmental odours and somatic complaints. Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed. 1999 Aug;202(2-4):101-19
41. Sweers, Preller, Brunekreef, Boleij: "Health and indoor climate complaints of 7043 office workers in 61 buildings in the Netherlands", Indoor Air, Volume 2, 1992, pp.127-136
Muggsopper,mykotoksiner, glukaner
42.Andersson, M. A., M. Nikulin, U. Köljalg, M. C. Andersson, F. Rainey, K. Reijula, E. L. Hintikka, and M. Salkinoja-Salonen (1997): Bacteria, molds, and toxins in water-damaged building materials. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:387-393
43. Ciegler, A., and J. W. Bennett. (1980): Mycotoxins and mycotoxicoses. BioScience 30:512-515.
44. Corrier, D. E. (1991): Mycotoxicosis: mechanisms of immunosuppression. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 30:73-87
45. Frisvad, J. C., and S. Gravesen. (1994): Penicillium and Aspergillus from Danish homes and working places with indoor air problems: identification and mycotoxin determination, p. 281-290. In R. A. Samson (ed.), Health implications of fungi in indoor environments. Elsevier Science B. V, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
46.Fung, F., R. Clark, and S. Williams. (1998).: Stachybotrys, a mycotoxin-producing fungus of increasing toxicologic importance. J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. 36:79-86
47.Hendry, K. M., and E. C. Cole. (1993): A review of mycotoxins in indoor air. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 38:183-198.
48.Johanning, E., R. Biagini, D. Hull, P. Morey, B. Jarvis, and P. Landsbergis. (1996):, se ref. 17.
49. Klanova K (2000): se ref. 19
50. Matsson J (2004): Muggsopp i bygninger. Mycoteam forlag. Mycoteam, Oslo
51. Miller, J. D. (1992).: Fungi as contaminants in indoor air. Atmos. Environ. 26A:2163-72.
52. Ormestad H, Groeng E-C, Løvik M, Hetland G (2000): The fungal cell wall component b-1-3-glucan has an adjuvant effect on the allergic response to ovalbumin in mice. J Toxicol Environmental Health 61 (A) 55-67
53. Platt SD, Martin CJ, Hunt SM, Lewis CH: Damp housing, mould growth and symptomatic health state. BMJ 1989; 298: 167
54. Rylander R, Holt PG (1998): (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan and endotoxin modulate immune response to inhaled allergen. Mediators Inflamm 7:105-10.
55. Rylander R, Fogelmark B, McWilliam A (1999) (1-3)-beta-D-glucan may contribute to pollen sensitivity. Clin Exp Immunol 115: 383-4.
56. Rylander L,, Lin RH (2000): (1-3-beta-D-glucan - relationship to indoor-air symptoms, allergy and asthma. Toxicology 152: 47-52.
57. Smith, J. E., J. G. Anderson, C. W. Lewis, and Murad Y. M: Cytotoxic fungal spores in the indoor atmosphere of the damp domestic environment. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1992; 79: 337-43.57.
58. Thorn J, Beijer L, Rylander R (2001): Effects after inhalation of (1-3-beta-D-glucan in healthy humans. Mediators Inflamm 10: 173-8.
59. Valbjørn, O: Tilstandsundersøgelse af fugt og skimmelsvampe i bygninge Undersøgelse og vurdering af fugt og skimmelsvampe i bygninger", Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, SBI
60. Waegemaeckers M, van Wageningen N, Brunekreef B, Boleij JSM (1989): Respiratory symptoms in damp houses. A pilot study. Allergy 44: 192-8.
61. Wan GH, Li CS, Guo SP, Rylander R (1999): An airborne mold-derived product, beta-1-3-D-glucan, potentiates airway allergic responses. Eur J Immunol 29: 24281-7
62. Aas k, Levy F, Bakke JV, Birkeland G, Bolle R (2003): Norsk Forum for Bedre Innemiljø for Barn : Fukt og biologiske effekter: Inneklimarelatert hodepine og unormal tretthet. Kritisk vurdering av vitenskapelige publikasjoner om emnet. Rapport til Helse&Rehabilitering (70 sider). (2003).
Ozon og oksidasjon
63. Backus-Hazzard GS, Howden R, Kleeberger SR Genetic susceptibility to ozone-induced lung inflammation in animal models of asthma. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004Oct;4(5):349-
64. Chen LL, Tager IB, Peden DB, Christian DL, Ferrando RE, Welch BS, Balmes JR. Effect of ozone exposure on airway responses to inhaled allergen in asthmatic subjects. Chest. 2004 125(6):2328-35.
65.Fan Z, Lioy P, Weschler C, Fiedler N, Kipen H, Zhang J : Ozone-initiated reactions with mixtures of volatile organic compounds under simulated indoor conditions. Environ Sci Technol. 2003 May 1;37(9):1811-21
66. Iijima MK, Kobayashi T.:Nasal allergy-like symptoms aggravated by ozone exposure in a concentration-dependent manner in guinea pigs. Toxicology. 2004 1;199(1):73-83
67. Osebold JW, Zee YC, Gershwin LJ (1988): Enhancement of allergic lung sensitization in mice by ozone inhalation. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 188(3):259-64
68. Peden DB, Setzer RW Jr, Devlin RB (1995).Ozone exposure has both a priming effect on allergen- induced responses and an intrinsic inflammatory action in the nasal airways of perennially allergic asthmatics. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.151(5):1336-45.
69. Wainman T, Zhang J, Weschler CJ, Lioy PJ (2000): Ozone and limonene in indoor air: a source of submicron particle exposure. Environ Health Perspect. 108(12):1139-4
70. Weschler CJ (2004). Chemical reactions among indoor pollutants: what we've learned in the new millennium. Indoor Air.;14 Suppl 7:184-94.
71.Aas, K (2001) :
Svevestøv og kjemisk last
72. Jørgensen, R (1999): The influence of material surfaces on indoor air quality. Adsorption and desorption of volatile organic compounds. THESIS, NTNU, Trondheim
73. Ormestad H, Namork E, Gaarder P et al (1995): Scanning electron microscopy of immunogold labelled cat allergen (Fel d 1) on the surface of airborne house dust particles. J Immunol. Methods 187:245-51
74. Roberts JW et al (1993): Chemical contaminants in house dust, occurrences and sources. Indoor Air 2: 27-32.
75. Roberts JW, Dickey P (1995): Exposure of childrenj to pollutants in house dust and indoor air. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 143: 59-78
76. Wilkins C K, Wolkoff P, Gyntelberg F et al (1993): Characterization of office dust by VOCs and TVOC release - identification of potentilal irritant VOCs by partial least square analysis. Indoor Air 3: 283-290
77. Wolkoff P, Wilkens CK (1993): Desorbed VOC from household floor dust. Comparison of headspace with desorbed dust method for TVOC release determination. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2: 287-292.
Sårbarhet og reaksjoner 78. Andersson K, Bakke JV, Bjørseth O, et al (2000): From VOC to OCIA - Towards the development of risk indicators of organic chemicals in indoor air. Indoor Air 2000; 10.
79. Lindeman B, Søderlund EJ, Dybing E (2002):Årsaker til interindividuelle forskjeller i kjemikalierespons Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 122: 615-618.
80. Mendell (1993) : Non-specific symptoms in office workers: A review and summary of the epidemiological literature, Indoor Air 3: 227-236
81. Mølhave, L., Kjærgaard S K, Pedersen O F et al (1993): Human response to different mixtures of volatile organic compounds. Proc. of Indoor Air, Vol 1:555-559.
(Sist oppdfatert 20. juni 2005)